The cast of USP's Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat in 2012!
Union street Player performed Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in 2012 in Pella, Iowa.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 2012

Union Street Players, Pella’s award-winning community theatre, and Director Pat Moriarity, was pleased to bring you “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” in 2012.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is the Biblical saga of Joseph as his coat of many colors comes to vibrant life in this delightful musical parable.

Set to an engaging cornucopia of musical styles, from country-western and calypso to bubble-gum pop and rock ‘n’ roll, this Old Testament tale emerges both timely and timeless. Go, Go, Go Joseph!

Cast & Crew

We’d like to recognize and say thank you to each and every person who auditioned!

Production Crew

Director: Pat Moriarity

Asst Director: Wendy Vander Well

Producer: Cyndi Atkins

Vocal Director: Ashly Kocher

Vocal Coach: Ashlee Whittington

Choreographer: Brystal Hopkins

Accompanist: Brenda Jones

Costumer: Pati Van Zante

Props: Suzi Jones

Master Carpenter: Jim Palmer


Joseph: Tom Palmer

Narrator: Kayla Kaufmann

Narrator: Jana De Zwarte

Jacob: Don Graves

Baker: TBD

Butler: TBD

Potiphar: Doug DeWolf

Mrs. Potiphar: Lynn Cooper

Pharoah: Tom Vander Well

Reuben: Gary Kopsa

Simeon(1st Brother in Canaan Days) Gifford Graham

Levi: Larry Peterson

Judah: Mike Wignall

Dan: Dayrel Gates

Naphtali: Doug DeWolf

Gad: Greg May

Asher: James Punke

Issachar: Mark Schaefer

Zebulun: Karl Deakyne

Benjamin: Drew Senn

Ishmaelite / Guard / Ensemble: Thomas Salz

(All brothers are ensemble as well)

Wife / Ensemble:

Kim Beyer

Anna Boelman

Cassie Buma

Sara Collins

Lynn Cooper

Bev Graves

Denise Gregory

Nancy Moreland

Sandy Olsthoorn

Jamie Punke

Dancer / Ensemble:

Sarah Beukelman

Sarah Davis

Brystal Hopkins

Beth Johnson

Rebecca Schippers

Children’s Choir:

Alexandrea DeArmond

Charlize DeArmond

Frances DeArmond

Jordan DeArmond

Gabrielle Heerema

Annie Matherly

Sarah Peterson

Lizzy Pettit

Greta Putnam

Maria Schirz

Julia Smart

Kaleena Van Haaften

Tori Van Vark

Packed Opening Night Crowd “Amazed”

The Joan Kuyper Farver Auditorium in the Pella Community Center was packed for the opening of Union Street Players‘ production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. After the show, many audience members were heard mentioning that they were planning to return next weekend to see the performance. One audience member posted this review on Facebook:

From the moment those brightly costumed kids dashed out on stage and filled the space with song (no timid vocals here) we knew this Technicolor Friday night on Union St. would take us to an amazing biblical tale rocking with dreams, angels, and song.

I mean the stage shook with choreography so synchronous, joyous, rambunctious that somewhere Twyla Tharp feels an itch she can’t scratch. I mean in that small stage space, I was waiting for someone to come flying out over the audience. This was not Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney putting on a show in a garage where we smile at the effort and follow with polite applause as we check the watch. 

No, I’m telling you this was Broadway quality stuff, and I am no broadcasting homer who sees the team effort in a halo beaming from self-interest. The French scene was so comically dolorous that if Maurice Chevalier, Marcel Marceau, and Jerry Lewis had been cast, it would not have been funnier. I have a loud laugh but you could not hear it because the place was San Francisco in 1906. And the statuesque pharaoh (Tom Vander Well) be-wiggly wigged as an Elvis whose hips wiped out stage left and stage right was The King! I thought his screaming fans would rush the stage. Elvis is really alive.

And the Cowboy, Calypso, and Stone the Crows numbers snapped, crackled and popped, nobody held back waiting for the leads to lead. Joseph’s (Tom Palmer) beautiful voice in this crazy quilted version of an Old Testament story perfectly echoed the emotions of an ancient desire to get back home Directors Pat Moriarity and Wendy Vander Well and the fantastic set crew will have to add another wing to the theatre just to have enough tickets for next weekend. – Marty Feeney

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Earns Five 2012 ICTA Nominations

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was nominated for five awards from the Iowa Community Theatre Association (ICTA). Each year the ICTA awards shows from around the state for outstanding achievement during their annual festival. In 2013, the festival was scheduled on April 4-6th in Newton, IA. Awards were presented on Saturday night during the festival.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was USP’s holiday musical, and completed the community theatre’s 25th Anniversary season. Not only was the show popular with audiences, virtually selling out three of the six performances, but it also become the highest grossing show in USP history.

Nominated for ICTA awards:

Congratulations to the nominees and to the entire production team, cast and crew who made Joseph a huge success. A successful production is an ensemble effort of every person involved. The nominations are a recognition of the hard work, dedication and outstanding efforts of every person involved in the show!

Union Street Players Wins ICTA Award!

Pat Van Zante won the Iowa Community Theater Association’s (ICTA) award for costuming for her outstanding costuming work in Union Street Players’ production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! The award was presented Saturday, April 6, 2013 at ICTA’s annual festival in Newton.

Pati is a veteran of Pella’s community theatre, and a Walk of Fame Inductee. She has had many different production roles over the years, including directing USP’s first musical, Music Man in 1997. She costumed two of USP’s three shows in 2012 – Night of January 16th and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Congratulations to Pati who surely deserved the award for her incredible costumes! She represents the incredible work of every USP cast and crew member in one of USP’s most successful productions to date!

Pati Van Zante won the Iowa Community Theater Association’s (ICTA) award for Costuming in Union Street Players’ production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in 2012!


Union Street Players closed it’s successful six show run of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with a sold out performance on Saturday afternoon. The Tony Award winning Broadway musical was a huge success. Tremendous word-of-mouth increased demand for the final two performances. When you count ushers and volunteers, the total number of audience members surpassed the 1700 mark. The official Box Office tally of tickets sold each night for the 311 available seats was:

Fri Nov 30: 271
Sat Dec 1: 285
Sun Dec 2: 300
Thu Dec 6: 220
Fri Dec 7: 311
Sat Dec 8: 311
Total: 1698

The cast of 46 and crew of 41 were assisted by a number of volunteers under the leadership of Director Pat Moriarity.